
SciGirls II 2018 -第一天

Scigirls2 2018 geocache.jpg《SciGirls 2》震撼创新园区!

多么糟糕的一天!!今天开启了《星际女孩2》夏令营的又一个夏天!这一天从营地后勤开始,包括MagLab的安全和安保,获得徽章,以及研究调查。一旦所有的“业务”都处理好了,真正的乐趣就开始了!!我们从MagLab之旅开始,由实验室的地球化学家Afi Sachi-Kocher博士带领。她带我们参观了实验室,向我们展示了磁铁是如何制造的,以及它们被放置在哪里。我们经过了多个“机器商店”和科学家工作的地方。当然,我们去参观了世界上最强大的磁铁,45特斯拉,就在实验室里!然后,Afi博士带我们去了地球化学区,她带我们到处走。地球化学包括地质学和化学。 Geochemists analyze rain water, lakes, even meteorites in both solid form and liquid form, among many other “rocky” things! After our tour, we enjoyed a luncheon with 6 female scientists from around Tallahassee. Each scientist spoke about their field of science, how they got there, and challenges along the way. Then the scientist joined groups of scigirls campers to eat lunch, where they continued their scientific conversation. Special thanks to Dr. Renee Gordon, Stem Program Director at TCC, Dr. Christianne Beekman, MagLab Asst. Professor, Dondensed Matter Physics, Roxanne Simpson, Program Director for FSU SSS-STEM, Dr. Adrienne Stephenson, Asst. Director of FSU grad school, Dr. Patricia Novey, veterinarian, and Dr. Julia Smith, a MagLab physicist, for joining us for the discussion panel and science lunchtime conversations! We ended the day with a geojourney! Our girls used GPS devices to track along a trail, leading them to wFSU, where they found a treasure box full of rocks to paint, and painting materials. We then spent a bit of time decorating those rocks, and then hid them on our journey back to the MagLab. Tomorrow brings a day of fun, and a brand new SciGirls experience for this year, as we take on FSU’s Innovation hub, Herbarium, and learn all about 3D printing!!
