
SciGirls II 2018 -第4天


今天又是充满乐趣和教育意义的一天!!ayx亚洲我们一开始就参观了帕特丽夏·诺维医生经营的诺维动物医院。她和她的工作人员向我们打招呼合影,然后我们出发去了解兽医医院幕后的日常工作。SciGirls学习了心虫,以及如何检测血液中的心虫、绦虫和其他寄生虫,如果不适当预防,我们的宠物可能会感染。女孩们还观看了一些牙科手术,了解了狗和猫的社交行为,参观了狗舍,还看了吞下异物的动物的x光片。我们也有机会从周一收集的培养皿中观察自己手上的细菌,我们的一些女孩意识到她们绝对可以洗手得更好!我们还了解了接待区,并在互动游戏中回顾了所学内容。非常感谢诺维博士和她的工作人员再次为我们提供食宿。当我们回到实验室时,我们切换到法医,凯利·沃克和K9搜救队来拜访我们。她介绍了他们的工作,她是如何成为LCSO的第一个女性犬类团队,并最终成为主管。 She discussed how they train dogs to find living and deceased victims in the field. She discussed the Jacobs Organ, unique to dogs, and how it assists them in smelling traces. Then, Barb Whalen, another search and rescue volunteer, demonstrated how the dogs use scent by having her dog find our SciGirls volunteer, Julia. Then, Kelly brought out her dog, who is trained to find dead bodies and bones, and provided a demonstration using a humerus bone, that was hidden. Lastly, we switch over to optics, physics, geometry, measurement, and technology for a fun activity! Caila Deabreu, an REU (research experience for undergraduates) student, discussed her research, using electromagnetic stimulations. Then she led us in creating prisms that project holograms on our cell phones. Once our girls created their prisms, they were all over the room, sitting in the dark, enjoying the views. It was again, a fantastic day filled with so much science! Tomorrow, is a long day in Panama City! We will take a guided tour of St. Andrews State Park and visit Gulf World, where we will meet and greet with dolphins! Whew! So much fun!!
